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How to adjust disc dimensions to print a centered label

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How to adjust disc dimensions to print a centered label

Postby mgmmusic » Mon May 27, 2013 4:50 pm

I have my label ready to print. I put in the correct printer (Epson Stylus Photo R260), and then print it. It comes out great, except for the label is just a bit off on the CD. There is more "white" on one side, and none on the other. :? The ink is not over spraying, but it still looks sort of unprofessional. About done with my 15 day free trial, so not sure I will purchase, until I can get a centered quality print. Any help would be great.
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Re: Printing comes out offset, uneven, off center

Postby Admin » Wed May 29, 2013 10:32 pm

Hi Marty,

How far off is the label printing on the disc?

You can manually adjust the disc position and size of the "Epson Stylus Photo R260" template in the "Edit Dimensions" dialog. The "Edit Dimensions" dialog can be accessed from the "Change Label Template" dialog, the "Properties" toolbar, or the "Print" dialog.

For example, if the disc is printing to 1/4" to the left, you can add 1/4" to the "Left" dimension in the "Edit Dimensions" dialog.
The outside diameter and center hole size (or inner diameter) can also be adjusted.

It's a good idea to test print on a scrap disc, or label paper before using the real thing.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.
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