Currently, AudioLabel creates all digital output in the RGB color space, so a file conversion is necessary to create labels in the CMYK color space.
To create a CMYK PDF file of your label design, you first need to create a CMYK TIFF file, and then convert it to a CMYK PDF file. Here are the steps:
1. Create a TIFF file using the "Save As Image" option in AudioLabel (AudioLabel creates RGB TIFF files).
2. Convert the RGB TIFF file to a CMYK TIFF file using the following online converter:
http://www.rgb2cmyk.org3. Once you have the CMYK TIFF file, convert it to CMYK PDF file using the online PDF converter:
http://document.online-convert.com/convert-to-pdfI've tested this exact process and the results are good; however, the online CMYK converter listed above has an 8 MB file size limit. It's easy to go over 8MB if your label design includes high quality images. If you need to convert larger files, then some image processing software will be needed. Ultimately, the best piece of software for this conversion is Adobe Photoshop (which every reputable print shop should own). If you run into problems, you might want to ask the print shop if they can do the conversion for you. If they're in the printing business, converting a high quality 600 DPI TIFF file should be easy for them (it takes about 30 seconds in Photoshop). If you know someone who owns Adobe Photoshop, I can list simple directions for converting these files.
Please let us know how it goes.