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Increase Spine Dimension on DVD Case Label

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Increase Spine Dimension on DVD Case Label

Postby videoman » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:21 pm

You product is great but I have to use DVD cases in my business that hold 8 DVDs and as such the spine is approx 25mm. So can you increase the allowable maximum dimension from the present 17.7mm to say 28mm so that I can print covers that fit in the cases properly and are not short?
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Re: Increase Spine dimension on DVD Case Label

Postby Admin » Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:37 am


You can adjust the DVD case spine width in the "Edit Dimensions" dialog of AudioLabel. The maximum spine width is 50.8mm (or 2 inches).

The spine width limit you are hitting has to do with the paper size. A spine width of 17.7mm is about the limit for Letter sized paper (there is not enough psychical room on the paper to print a larger spine). If you print on A4 paper size, you can get a maximum spine width of about 34mm. If you print on Legal, Ledger, or A3 paper size you can get the full 50.8mm.

I would recommend printing on A4 size paper, and adjusting the spine width to 28mm. You can select the A4 paper size the "Edit Dimensions" dialog.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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